
Soulful Shares

Dive into a blog that bares it all, offering raw insight into Cheyenne’s journey. From spirituality and healing to love, sex, and relationships, each post is a glimpse in profound teachings, invaluable tips, and relatable stories.

Cheyenne F Cheyenne F

Shame & Sexuality

What I didn't realize was that by staying consistent and moving my energy on a regular basis, not only was I creating deep change in all areas of my life but I was also creating new neural pathways in the brain and reprogramming my nervous system and subconscious mind. After 6 months, it all hit me, "WOAH." I was making more money, I actually didn't hate my body anymore, I wasn't silently judging women who were confident and beautiful, I was having the best orgasms of my life, I was manifesting left and right, and I was attracting all kinds of opportunities that I had been working years to get. This is what happens when we work through our shame and sexuality. It is a powerful accelerated path to stepping into your power and truth.

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Cheyenne F Cheyenne F

Childhood Trauma & Relationships

As a young, unaware teenager, I subconsciously absorbed this dynamic as “love,” and over time, my nervous system was programmed to believe this is what safety and “normal” felt like. Love was now defined as intense, confrontational, and filled with pain and resentment.

When it was time to have my first relationship, I had no idea that I would be unconsciously seeking out my parents' relationship… it was the only thing I knew as love.

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Start your journey

Do you feel called to explore Sacred Sexuality, Tantra or are ready to commit to a coaching program? If so click the get started button to schedule a 30 minute call with Cheyenne.